In this post I will list my best affirmations for anxiety. These have helped me in…
What Is Manifestation And Manifestation Journal?

What is manifestation? Manifestation is about turning your dreams into reality. A Manifestation Journal can help you to manifest your desires. Here is a look at what is in my Manifestation Toolkit that you can use to manifest anything you want in your life. I hope it helps you achieve your dreams.
Mindful Meditation
Mindful meditation lets you focus on the here and now. It will help you focus on the present. Why are more people turning to meditation? The answer is that it works! We become more relaxed which allows more peace and joy in our lives. Focusing on your breath helps you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. The more you meditate, the more aware you become.
Mindful Meditation And Stress For Example
Before any stressful situation for example, seeing your ex partner, take a deep breath. Even if it is in the car, sit quietly and spend two minutes inhaling and exhaling. You can do this exercise anywhere, such as in a shopping center or while waiting for a traffic light to change. There is power in just breathing. A few minutes will help calm you for whatever you need to face in life. Short breathing can be your own mini health trick.
Scripting And Manifestation Toolkit
Scripting is writing down what you would like to happen in your life. Writing will allow you to focus on the details. Opening a journal and writing with my hands is very enjoyable. Write detailed descriptions of whatever it is you want and most likely write them before going to bed. This will help plant the seeds in your subconscious mind.
555 Manifesting Tool – Manifestation Journal
With this tool, you write out your desires for either 5 times for 55 consecutive days or 55 times for 5 consecutive days. The days have to be consecutive. If you forget a day you will have to start from day one. This tool will help plant your desires in your subconscious mind. I love doing the 5 consecutive day option. It can take me anywhere from 30-45 minutes a day to complete.
Create a movie in your head of your life’s desires and picture your movie each night before you go to bed. The movie should be that whatever it is you desire, has already happened. For example, if you want a dream home, picture every room with everything in it that you desire. Picture the garden with all details such as the type of flowers and plants, the exact type of shed. Picture yourself amongst the beautiful home and how you are feeling. Include sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. Imagine while you picture yourself in the movie.
Imagine It As You Go
This tool you can use every day, nearly every minute of the day. For example, as you walk in your current home, imagine you are walking in your dream home, visualizing your surroundings as if you are already in your dream home. If you want a new car, every time you get into your current car, imagine you are getting into your dream car. Imagine everything about your new car that you would like as you are driving. Make this a daily habit and see what happens.
If you repeat affirmations especially for a year or so, they will eventually change your life. Record them, write them and put them where you can see them and read everyday. Repetition is key. A must for the manifestation toolkit.
If manifestation doesn’t work for you it is probably due to limiting beliefs hidden from your conscious mind. Tapping is like psychological acupressure. It can be used to relieve emotional and physical pain. Some people swear by it. Tell yourself what you would like to hear while gently tapping yourself. Read a book or take a course in it and you will most likely be pleasantly surprised.
Grateful Journal
Write down every day in a journal what you are grateful for and what you don’t have yet. If we see ourselves as lucky, this shifts us into a state of receiving. Stay true to yourself.
What is Manifestation Vision Boards
Create a vision board either physical or digital. A physical board will include images and words of things you would like to see in your future life. A digital board is one created using your computer and entails the same as a physical board but in digital format.
369 Manifesting Tool
You can read more about this by clicking on the link 369 Manifestation method. Basically, speak out your desires 3 times out loud in the morning, 6 times at noon and 9 times in the evening. Doing this will rewire your mind to help manifest your desires.
What is Manifestation
Manifestation is not just wishful thinking. There is work involved on your behalf. You will have to have the right mindset without limiting beliefs. You have to have gratitude for what you already have and be very clear about what you want in life. Do not chop and change about what you want as the Universe will get confused about what you want to manifest.
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