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The Law of Attraction Journal

the law of attraction and journaling

The Law of Attraction Journal can help you create the life of your dreams.

Abraham Lincoln said, ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it.’

Humans have the gift of imagination. Every human being has the ability to imagine the future. Taken one step further, we can visualise the future and make it manifest. Everything that we achieve in life goes through a process of creation. We think it, believe it and then we make it happen. This is the way of life.

Seeking prosperity and abundance is no different. We start by thinking about it. Then we visualize it and after a while abundance becomes our reality. 

For your desires to manifest you must truly believe them. Keeping a journal is such a powerful tool in the process of manifesting because it will help you to believe in your dreams and will help you to create the path to their realization.

Writing your dreams in a journal can help you to more effectively visualise the outcomes that you desire and, in fact, the road map to getting there. Many of histories most famed and powerful people have kept journals for differing reasons. You’re in good company when you decide to keep a diary. Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie and Thomas Edison all kept diaries.

If the Law of Attraction journal could help these people to think clearly, create ideas and then make those ideas real, then there is no reason why it shouldn’t work for you.  Used correctly, a journal can become a powerful tool in the creation of abundance and prosperity.  Here’s the how and why.

The I Am Journal

The Law of Attraction Journal words are inspiring and creative

Just like images, words can inspire and create. Understanding and articulating your goals is a potent tool, even more so when you write it down. This is so because of the way that our brains are wired. 

Dreaming and imagination light up the right hemisphere of the brain. When you write down your dreams and ambitions, you awaken the left half where logic resides. Once you have both sides communicating your brain creates a potent message that speaks to every cell in your body. This process makes tangible our thoughts and visions.  

Just putting your thoughts into writing can fire up this complicated process and help you to align your frequency with your dreams. 

Your goals and vision become so much clearer when you write them down

Most people have dozens of dreams, but we can’t activate those dreams all at once. Dreams don’t present a problem until we start to set goals for the achievement of those dreams. 

Goal setting requires the allocation of resources. Since time is the scarcest of our resources, we need to focus on a few clear goals if we are to set priorities that are achievable. 

When you choose to create abundance and prosperity you have to focus clearly on a very specific objective. You may, for example, choose to get started by clearing all your personal debt within a six-month timeframe. The most important aspects of goals are that they must be unambiguous, and they must have clear timeframes. 

Your journal will help you to think through your vision and clear up any ambiguities or conflicting goals. It will help you to weigh up all the possibilities before you set your priorities. There’s no reason why you can have it all, but for now, you’ll have to choose what manifestations must take priority.

Law of Attraction Life and Weekly Goal Planner

Keeping a Journal will Help to Find Solutions

Keeping notes helps to create a space where you can evaluate your goals and review your journey to their achievement. This will help to clarify the situation. The result is clearer solutions. Journal writing is a potent way to solve problems and draw conclusions.

Journal Writing Helps You to Stay Consistently Grateful

An important part of attracting prosperity and abundance is to remain consistently grateful for the daily blessing received. We can only attract more abundance when we are truly grateful for what we already have and for the blessing that we receive daily.

Gratitude is a sure way to attract abundance and prosperity so be grateful for the things that you hope to receive. Gratitude brings with it a multitude of positive feelings that will act as a magnet for the abundance that you desire. 

Journal Writing Offers Clarity and Clears Uncertainty

We will encounter problems and uncertainty along the way. The act of writing them down will help to clarify the situation and may help you to find solutions. It’s a sure way to straighten matters out in your brain, making them appear less daunting. 

Keeping an up to date daily journal can help us to solve problems and prioritize actions. It’s a potent tool in your bid to attract abundance and prosperity.

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law of attraction journal


Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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