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Manifestation Methods – 8 Favorites

best manifestation methods

In this post I will discuss my eight favorite manifestation methods but in the end, you will have to try different methods to find out what works for you. There are so many ways to manifest. So what is manifestation you might ask?  All of our experiences in life are the thoughts and beliefs running through our subconscious and conscious minds all day everyday.  These thoughts and beliefs eventually become things or events in our life.  This is manifestation.  My favourite manifestation methods are below.


369 Manifestation Method

In the spiritual world, the number 3 has long been linked to human connections.  The number 6 relates to the power and strength that lives within us and 9 relates to growth and change allowing us to let go and heal.  How do I practice it?  In the morning, write down what you are trying to manifest three times.  Then in the afternoon repeat that six times and at night, just before going to bed, write it out nine times. Repeating this will make the intention start to grow and over time you will begin to manifest.  Please note that it is important to do these steps at the same time everyday along with meditation to still the mind first.  Meditate first, then write out your intentions.  Remember, manifestation works best if you have a clear mind and you are clear and specific about what you are trying to manifest.  I really love these manifestation methods where you have to write down what you are trying to manifest.

369 Manifestation

555 Manifestation Method

The 555 Manifestation method is also about writing your intentions down on a piece of paper, 55 consecutive times, for 5 days straight.  How do I practice it?  Visualize what you would like to achieve.  Feel it, smell it, look at it with happiness.  Write down your intentions using affirmations and write as if you have already achieved your intention and let go of any doubt that may cross your mind.  Over time, repetition and feelings will reprogram your subconscious mind.  Due to angel number 555 means change is coming into your life. Your intentions along with visualization and the feelings behind this method is what makes the 555 Manifestation exercise work.  Best done in the mornings or evenings but choose a time and stick with it.

555 Manifestation

333 Manifestation Method

The 333 manifestation method is very similar to the 555 manifestation method.  How do I practice it?  Follow all of the above in the 555 manifestation method except you write out your affirmations or intentions 33 times for 3 days in a row.  If you miss a day, you will have to start again from day one.  Angel number 333 means that your prayers have been heard and answered.  333 angel card message wants you to get rid of people and situations either in the past or the present that no longer are good in your life.  If you forgive and release what no longer is good in your life then you are creating the space for new things to enter into it.

333 Manifestation

15 Minutes To Manifestation Method

The 15 Minutes to Manifestation method says that there are three things that usually stop you from manifesting.  These are the stories you tell yourself and other people, your limiting beliefs and  judgements and fear.  The 15 minutes to manifestation is about reprogramming your subconscious mind.  It bases itself on what you focus on is what manifests your reality.  How do you practice it?  This is done by listening to sound tracks.  Track one will tell you that you do not have to work hard to create abundance. It will help you to get rid of the limiting beliefs that are currently pushing away what you want. It will reset your brain to the condition it was in when you were born. With possibility, not scarcity.  Track two helps you create your new story and your past will get replaced with what you really want.  Track three is about coming from unlimited possibilities.  You are going to start consciously playing with your experiences in the real world. You are always manifesting where your attention is at the moment.

Affirmations Manifestation Method

The affirmations method to manifesting is a very powerful method.  How to practice it?  Write down your affirmations as often as you can.  Write them in the present tense.  Keep them brief.  Make them meaningful enough to help with your feelings toward the affirmation.  Repeat them as often as you can.  You can record them and play them over and over.  You can write them on post it notes and stick them all over your room or home.  Visualize the outcome of the affirmation and be very happy to see the outcome.  Feel the positive emotions of the affirmation.  Be consistent with repetition for example spend 5 minutes a day every morning, midday and evening and be patient.  This has been my first manifestation methods over the years and I can say that it works for me.  It does take a little bit of time however, everyone is different.

Daily Rituals

Vision Boards Manifestation Methods

The vision board is also a powerful tool.  Visualization is one of the most powerful methods when it comes to manifesting.  A vision board should not only focus on what you want, it should also focus on how you feel.  How to practice it?  You can purchase a physical vision board such as a cork board or you can create a digital vision board on your computer.  There is no right or wrong when it comes to creating a vision board.

Firstly, take a mental picture of how you would like your life to be.  This includes relationships, career, home, finances and health.  Secondly, go through magazines and cut out images and words and quotes of what relates to what you want in your life and pin it or paste it to your vision board.  Digitally you can search for free or paid photos and quotes and inspirational words.  While doing this make sure you put on some relaxing music to make it more fun.  Add something everyday or change it when your goals have changed.  Thirdly, spend some time looking at your vision board every moment that you can.  Feel the emotions that come with looking at your vision board.  You will be doing visualization exercises every day by doing this.  It will become automatic.  This is my second manifestation methods that I used in my younger years.  I can say that this method worked for me but it also took a little bit of time.

Vision Board Kit

Meditation Manifestation Method

For change to occur you need to change your unconscious mind. One way to achieve this is through meditation. Meditating gives your mind a break from the running stream of thoughts so that you can get in touch with the intuitive part of yourself.  How do I practice it?  Firstly, find somewhere comfortable to sit and relax.  Secondly, focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Thirdly, say to yourself I open myself to all that is possible.  I bring in good things towards me.  Visualize your heart opening up with a beam of light glowing inside of it.  Visualize what you would like to manifest.  Feel it, smell it, touch it.  How does it make you feel?  Take as long as you like.  Lastly, open your eyes and take physical practical steps to make your dreams possible.  Meditation manifestation method definitely worked for me.

Meditation and Manifestation

Crystals Manifestation Method

My last favorite manifestation method is using crystals to manifest.  This is my third manifestation methods that I used over the years.  It also works very well. If you are meant to work with them then you will be drawn to them.  If not, it doesn’t matter as there are plenty of other ways to manifest.  How to practice it? Firstly, choose your crystal.  Clear quartz works great for all types of manifestation. Rose quartz works well on heart issues and citrine works well for manifesting money. Clean the crystal you have chosen using water and soap or just water.  Then write your intentions or dream on a piece of paper.  Secondly, connect with the crystal.  Hold it and look at it.  Feel grateful that you are holding it in your hands.  Thirdly, imagine your desire happening.  How is it making you feel?  What do you see?  Feel emotions with your desires.  Forthly, see a bright light enter the crystal and ask the crystal to amplify your dreams to the universe.  Picture this happening.  Fifth, thank the crystal for assisting you and feel great gratitude.  Place the crystal somewhere with your written intention of your desires.  Once your desires have manifested, clean the crystal and put it aside ready for your next manifestation.

The Magic Is In You Manifestation

So there you have it.  My eight favorite manifestation methods.  I hope they help you manifest what you want in life.  They certainly have worked for me.  Just remember, you will need to be patient.


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manifestation method



Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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