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How To Use The Law Of Attraction

how to use the law of attraction


We usually forget that we alone control our reality. Reality is not created by outside influences. Instead, it consists of thoughts and beliefs in our own minds.

So, in learning about the more profound state of consciousness, one can open the subconscious mind and can make reality at will. But to do this, we first have to learn about brainwaves and the function of each. While most of us concentrate on our emotions in the quest to become happier, brainwaves play a vital role in our search for fulfilment.

Law of Attraction, Manifestation and Brainwaves

Among the followers of the Law of Attraction, the link between brainwaves and successful manifestation has recently been gaining popularity as an exciting topic of thought and discussion.

A lot of people have started to trust that there is an alignment possibly with the soul’s intention when using the brainwaves that have a lower frequency. We can access these lower frequency brainwaves by meditation or through the use of brainwave activity devices. If you’re looking for instant relaxation, brainwave meditation is considered a sure hit.  Certain methods allow us to enter the depths of consciousness. Subconscious minds and beliefs work as partners to bring success.  The wavering electrical impulses of the human brain also play an essential role in finding fulfilment.

So, now we will discuss brainwaves and the connection between brainwaves and successful manifestation.

The Definition of Brainwaves

The human brain is a powerful network of millions of nerve cells that communicate with each other to produce wavering electric voltage and an average electric field. Information which originates in these cells, moves throughout the body in electrical and chemical forms. These cells create synchronized electric pulses that make waves which are detectable when using typical medical equipment like electroencephalography.

Human thoughts and emotions are generated in this electric field. These feelings and thoughts are triggered by multiple brainwaves. Some brainwaves may make us slow and tired, whereas others render us active and alert. As the brain is considered an electrochemical tract and brainwaves are not physical matter, a brainwave is a measure of electrical action within the human brain.

Science Manifestation and Brainwaves

According to scientists, there are five types of brainwaves that range from a lower to a higher frequency. These brainwaves work almost as musical tones, and each has a particular role. Brainwaves do not control human thoughts and experiences; instead, these reflect the process as we ponder, feel, and react.

Different kinds of Brainwaves

Gama Brainwaves (30-100Hz)- Gama brainwaves are related to high mental activity. They are the swiftest measured brainwaves. They are generated when we learn new things or concentrate intensely.

Beta brainwaves (14-40Hz)- Beta brainwaves activate when we are wide awake or alert to something. They control the brain during working, reading, or socializing. When these brainwaves activate, the neurons fire plentifully as the mind remains attentive to cognitive activities and the outer world.

Alpha Brainwaves (8-13Hz)- when we try to get into a more profound mental state, we activate the Alpha brainwaves. When the human mind and body enter into a certain state, and one visualizes the future and becomes attracted to desirable things, we generate Alpha waves.

Theta Brainwaves (4-7.5 Hz)- Theta brainwaves are generated in those persons who are experienced in meditation. They become active in those who are deeply absorbed in meditation. Theta brainwaves are associated with Chakra Yoga experts as their third eye. Theta brainwaves are also activated in the human brain when people dream during sleep.

Delta Brainwaves (0.5-4Hz)- Delta brainwaves are activated in the most profound state of sleep. These brainwaves occur in a state of medication and resuscitation. They are the entrance to the unconscious mind. Meditators can step into the unconscious mental state through deep and transcendental meditation.

The Golden Rule of Manifesting

The golden rule for manifesting is to dream it. If one focuses on jealousy, anger and resentment, then he or she will gather more of the same. Instead, you should manifest on your need to succeed by acting as if you have already achieved success. Dream about having the things you desire and let your mind create it by projecting positive thoughts.

Meditation to help with manifesting using Brainwaves

To manifest through meditation, at a basic level you have to breathe in good health, positivity, abundance, and love. Breathe out all negativity, fear, stress, and doubt. During this process, feel every muscle and cell in your body and think positively.

Anyone can control their mind and body to access any of these five brainwaves by training the brain. The autonomic nervous system or involuntary nervous system can control the frequency of brainwaves. If we can control the brainwaves, we can reprogram the unconscious and subconscious mind.

Conclusion Manifestation and Brainwaves

There are some meditation exercises that can help to get into the Alpha brainwave state, so that one can step into the deeper state of Delta. Get prepared for a meditation session. First, take a moment to get into a comfortable position. Straighten your back and soften your shoulders, then close your eyes. Now you will realize a gentleness in your breathing and calmness in your body. You can see the stillness in your body and let your mind set free all your tensions.

Gradually you will feel a moderate rhythm in your breathing. Then you become conscious of the gentle up and down movement of the chest as you inhale and exhale breathing normally. Be attentive to your breathing. Now notice if you are experiencing any feelings or not. Just let the feelings and emotions go and get back into focusing on the breathing. You will recognize that the brain’s activity has slowed down to less than thirteen cycles in every second. This calm is known as the Alpha state. Through this meditation, the human mind can get behind thoughts, and it will extend to infinitude. Now you will reach to the Theta brainwave state, where the human brain becomes aware of its infinite potential.

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Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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