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Law of Attraction Health Healing

law of attraction and health


The Law of Attraction and positive affirmations can help with achieving your health goals.

The day you unleash the energy of the law of attraction, you can truly conquer your world. You can use the law of attraction in every sphere of your life. Your health is no exception. Whether you want a great figure or a healthy body, you can make the change you want to see and you can effectively improve your overall well-being. More importantly, you will be in a position to treat chronic diseases. Certain manifestation tools will enable you to set and achieve all your health goals.

Do you want to know how to do this? Are you looking for some proven ways to use the law of attraction for your health benefits? If the answer is yes, then the following article is written with you in mind. It will answer everything your curious mind asks and help you to get the best out of the law of attraction.

Set Health Goals using Law of Attraction and Affirmations

Start with a health goal. This will get you motivated ensuring that you do the best to achieve that goal. We all have health goals. Yours may start with a general statement, like improve my diet, but it should become more specific so that you’ll try harder to achieve that goal.

Make the Goals Achievable

It is not only important to set a health goal, you also need to ensure that that goal is practical, measurable, and achievable. For instance, if you want to get into great physical shape, you could decide to work out for 4 days a week for a couple of months. You could plan to join a gym. Set the goal and then make the plan to achieve it. Don’t forget to plan how to reward yourself at the end.

You’ll be more motivated when the goals are realistic and achievable,. Otherwise, you may not find the inspiration to follow through. Progress is a must for you to go on to the next step.

You can use a vision board to drive your motivation. A vision board will contain images and words that will motivate you throughout. Use those images and words to supercharge your brain as well as your body. Make it even more inspirational by using encouraging pictures, quotes, or anything that motivates you to achieve your goal.

For example, if you want a great physique and a fit body, you could use the images of celebrities on your vision board to inspire you.  Make sure that your vision board is not out of sight. Keep it in a common space so that you can see it most of the time knowingly and unknowingly. This way your mind will be motivated always.

Focus on the Law of Attraction and Affirmations and Imagery

Your visualization or mental imagery plays an important role in using the law of attraction to your benefit. Your mind is more powerful than you think. You can practice mental imagery through meditation. Meditation will create an energy force that you can draw into your life. Use it and you will witness all the changes that you want to see in your body and health. Your guided imagery can help to maintain your health and achieve your health goals. You can simply sit down and close your eyes in a quiet place and then start taking deep breaths. It will calm your entire being including your mind. Now you can think of sitting in a movie theater and you can activate the screen by using the button on the armrest of the seat.

Imagine using Law of Attraction and Affirmations

Imagine, the movie going on and you are the central character. Imagine every small detail such as the sound and color. Now press the armrest’s button and then enter the screen into the movie.  It feels amazing.  The Law of Attraction and affirmations and imagery will help you achieve your goals.

Visualise using Law of Attraction and Affirmations

When the goal is to minimize fast food consumption and follow a healthy diet, you could imagine a scene that increases your craving. For example, you are at home and you have dished up a large plate of food high in calories. Visualize the food and its aroma. Drive the craving to the extreme. You don’t have to fight the craving. When the craving is extreme, you can divert your attention and look for a healthy salad. Make it look and feel nice. Add some taste, some color, some aroma. While having your salad, imagine your metabolism and the body you dream of. You’ll enjoy every bite with all of your senses.

Keep in mind; you are not there to watch a movie. You are the central character in that movie. As your objective is a great shape, find yourself at the gym in the movie. Feel the environment, tools, and instruments such as stacks of iron plates, dumbbells, and machines. Find yourself using all the tools and feel the effect. Imagine having a fit body and tight skin while using all these tools in your visualization. You can imagine the sweat, muscle, deep breaths, weight lifting, and exercises. Imagine and feel how your body is transforming and how you are moving towards a fit body.

Have A Look At the Mirror

Your body has the ideal weight. You are looking perfectly fit. Love your shape and look. Yes, do not forget to repeat these affirmations.

I appreciate and approve of my look. I can make all the positive changes in my mind and body. I am comfortable with my spirit and body. I can instinctively skip all those foods that cause havoc in my body. I can visualize a great body and I am all set to transform my body. I love my body

In Conclusion

In brief, when you want to use the law of attraction to get the desired changes in your body, you will have to spend enough time to think about changes. Develop positive thinking and minimize the negativity that goes along with excess weight and an unhealthy diet. The law of attraction quickly responds to a positive and committed mind.  The Law of Attraction and affirmations can help to achieving your health goals.


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Health Manifestation



Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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