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Law Of Attraction Daily Routine

law of attraction daily routine

Night Time Law Of Attraction Routine

While establishing a law of attraction daily routine is absolutely optional, it does assist you in maintaining a solid set of behaviours that help you raise your vibration and attract what you want to create. Here are some suggestions on things to include in your law of attraction routine at night.

The five minute journal

Meditate To Clear The Day From Your Mind

Whatever happened today doesn’t have to be the focus of your attention for the rest of the evening. Setting new objectives and attracting what you want is easy when you go to bed with a happy, clear mind. You can do this by meditating for a few minutes each evening.

Sit in a comfortable position in your bedroom, such as a chair, your bed, or a meditation pillow. To add atmosphere, light a candle or switch on an essential oil diffuser. Begin deep breathing exercises by closing your eyes. Feel every sensation of your breaths, concentrating on them rather than anything else is on your mind at the time. When a notion enters your mind, gently observe it go away, and return to a clear and serene state of mind.

To calm your body and mind, all you need is a few minutes of meditation in the evening.+

Law of Attraction Planner

Visualize What You Want

When you’re calm, visualization works best, therefore this is an excellent time to use it throughout your nightly ritual. Consider one thing you want to manifest after you’ve meditated or while you’re meditating, and then look for a situation that helps you to imagine it. Look at the far picture of how you know you will have made it if you want to take the next stage in your relationship. This could be the day of your wedding, or it could be years later when you have children or go on a family vacation. Keep that picture in your brain when picturing, look at it from your perspective, and try to feel your emotions through this visualization.

creative visualization

Work On Scripting – Law Of Attraction Daily Routine

Scripting is when you write in your journal that you are grateful for what you are trying to manifest, but as if you already have it. Again, think about what you want to manifest and visualize it. Write it down as if you are already experiencing it. Instead of writing that you want to lose 50 lbs, write that you are so happy and grateful that you lose those 50 lbs. You are enjoying shopping for new clothes, you feel confident and healthier, and you love to look in the mirror at your new body.

Scripting the life you want

Gratitude Once More 

Want to express thankfulness or gratitude again in the evening, even if you did it in the morning. This is where you get detailed about the events of the day that made you grateful. Some of it may be repeats of what you wrote earlier in the day, which is fine! We frequently express our gratitude for the same blessings. Every day, try to think of at least 3-5 things for which you are grateful and write them down.

Gratitude A day and night reflection journal

Morning Law Of Attraction Routine

Use the law of attraction to begin generating fantastic things in your life by having a healthy morning routine. Here are a few ideas for what you might wish to include.

Express Your Gratitude – Law Of Attraction Daily Routine

Gratitude should be the first thing you do in the morning. This is a good way to start your day off on a happy note and appreciate all of the small things in your life that you may take for granted. Make a list of at least three things for which you are grateful in your journal. This could be because you awoke in a pleasant attitude, received unexpected good news, are surrounded by your loved ones, or simply because you are healthy.

Manifest your desires

Set Your Intentions

Set your intentions for the day once you’ve expressed your gratitude. This is similar to a to-do list, but you want to be very specific about what you want to do. Not only a list of activities to achieve, but also the type of day you want to have and how you want to feel as a result of your intentions. If you’re working on a project at work, make a list of how you want it to go, what you need to finish today, and how fantastic you’ll feel after it’s done.

Take Good Care Of Yourself – Law Of Attraction Daily Routine

Make sure you’re taking care of yourself first thing in the morning if you want to improve your vibration. This could be as simple as drinking a glass of water, exercising, having a nutritious breakfast, or simply doing some deep breathing exercises for a few minutes. When you take care of yourself, you are demonstrating respect for your body and mind, elevating your vibrations, and preparing yourself for a healthy and balanced day.

Visualize Attract Create

Balance Yourself With Meditation Or Yoga

Many people enjoy taking an extra step in the morning to meditate, practise yoga, or go for a quiet walk. It is critical to move your body in order to raise your vibration and put yourself in a pleasant mood. It can help you feel better by releasing endorphins, and it also provides you with a boost of natural energy. To maintain that quiet and tranquil condition in the morning, try to stick to more relaxing ways of exercising your body.

n.o.w tone therapy system Yoga for the mind

Take The Time To Read Every Day

Consider reading a chapter from an uplifting or spiritual book as part of your morning law of attraction routine. Mornings are ideal for reading self-help books or publications that inspire and motivate you for the day. Nonfiction books should be saved for the evening or other times of the day.

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Law of Attraction Daily Routine


Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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