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Laughter Is Good For The Soul

emotional distress

Should You Keep Your Feelings to Yourself?

Laugher is good for the soul.  Emotional distress and laughter as medicine.  Emotions are hardwired into our beings. As a result, suppressing your emotions is going against your design. You may suffer bodily and emotional injury as a result of this. Everything has its time and place, including expressing emotions. Shouting in the middle of a crowded area is perhaps not the best choice. People in today’s world can misinterpret your actions if you do this.

Rapid Relief From Emotional Distress

Emotions Should Not Be Bottled Up

Keeping your feelings pent up will eventually lead to stress and other mental health problems. If you do this for a long time, you may become depressed and have problems with alcohol or drug misuse. Many people, for example, turn to sleep aids or worse, opioid type narcotics and others. These are extremely addicting and merely serve to disguise symptoms. They are rarely used to treat illnesses.

Many people are taught to suppress their emotions by their parents and grandparents. These generations were taught to do the same and were taught that controlling one’s emotions was a true test of character. When they were children, there was less information on the effects of emotions than there is now.

10 Steps to Take Charge of your Emotional Life

Some people still don’t communicate their feelings in the same manner they used to. Emotional expression is akin to whining, and no one wants to hear it. Modern research, on the other hand, shows that repressing emotions is harmful.

There are various classes where you can let off steam. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Some will participate in sports such as basketball, while others will exercise at a gym. Another, more calm method of stress reduction is meditation.

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – Let’s Talk About It

Sometimes all you need is someone to chat to about your feelings. When you do this, you’re letting your guard down, so make sure you choose someone you can trust. If you choose a coworker, be sure you don’t reveal too much about yourself in case that individual tells others at work about what you said. It could have bad ramifications if it reaches your supervisor or another person you’re discussing.

Keeping your feelings hidden is never a good idea. However, you must try to convey those feelings at the appropriate time. Finding that time, however, is critical to your emotional and physical health. It’s not worth becoming sick for the sake of not being able to express yourself. The advantages of letting it out can help you live a happier life.

Emotional Freedom

Do Men And Women Deal With Their Emotions in Different Ways?

Many people assume that men and women deal with their emotions differently. However, there are males who are more emotionally sensitive and women who are not. It could be a societal issue in which men are trained to “man up” and control their emotions, but women are told they are the nurturers in a relationship and should express feelings more freely.

The book “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” explains why men and women are so different. It’s possible that these differences serve to round out a family by complementing one another. Of course, men and women will continue to grumble about the other sex to their pals. It makes you wonder if this is just showmanship. There are numerous stories that take advantage of these variances.

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

Emotions Are Felt By Both Men And Women

While many women believe males are emotionless and unfeeling, the truth is that men do have feelings. They simply go about it in a different way than women. When they witness an emotional film, many men become choked up. They simply want to keep it out of the spotlight. Some males have no qualms about expressing their feelings.

Some women do not want their boyfriends to be overly emotional. They think of them as weak and effeminate when they’re overused. They don’t want their men to be absolutely heartless, so it’s a difficult balance. Male and female stereotypes are frequently reinforced in Hollywood films. Those who grew up watching John Wayne films thought of him as a tough guy. His personas would serve as role models for men. With today’s movies, it’s not much different.

What Do You Think About Biology?

A biological element could also explain the disparities in how men and women express emotions. Hormones in women differ from those in men. These hormones have an impact on how people experience emotions.

The Emotion Code

It’s worth noting that a lot of research into the differences between men and women is focused on the brain. While these studies have come a great way in the last 50 years or so, the brain remains a very complicated organ. We know relatively little about it in the broader scheme of things. As a result, how much do we understand about emotions in both sexes? What will we know about the brain in 50 years? No one knows for sure, but it’s very plausible.

The Top Three Ways To Be More Satisfied In Life

Is your life actually fulfilling to you? If not, you’re not alone; being content with one’s life isn’t always simple for everyone. The top three things you should do if you want to be happier in your life are listed below.

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – Exercise

Physical and mental exercise are both beneficial. Exercising helps you stay in shape while also releasing endorphins, which make you feel good. And if you exercise often enough, you’ll be able to convert your body into the physically fit shape you’ve always desired—which will also help you be happier.

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – Be Grateful

Practicing gratitude for all the wonderful things you already have is one of the finest strategies to be more happy with your life. You will be miserable with your life if you spend all of your time wishing for things you don’t have or being envious of others’ possessions. Make a daily gratitude list to help you practise gratitude more effectively. Take some time to think about all of the incredible abilities, people, and things you have in your life. Then, if you’re feeling depressed, go back to this list and remind yourself of how fortunate you are.

The Gratitude Project

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – Relax And Unwind

You’ve undoubtedly discovered that stress is a huge impediment to being content with your life. This is why you should do everything you can to reduce the stress you experience on a daily basis. Each morning, begin with some gentle yoga or attentive meditation. Then, make sure you set aside adequate time each day for self care. Make it a habit to engage in stress relieving activities on a regular basis. When you’re dealing with a particularly stressful situation at work or at home, don’t underestimate the value of taking a deep breath, taking a break, or even asking a friend for support.

Feeling more fulfilled in life is not a simple undertaking, and it will take some time for you to genuinely achieve it. If you exercise, practise gratitude, and work to relieve stress on a daily basis, you may find that happiness is only around the corner and well within your grasp.

Five Ways To Get Rid Of Regret

Regret is unavoidable. What you don’t have to do is cling on to it indefinitely. Releasing remorse is a process that is unique to each individual and scenario. You can, however, experiment with different methods of releasing remorse and learn about yourself in the process.

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – Gratitude Every Day

Gratitude is an excellent approach to remind yourself of your blessings on a regular basis. Family, friends, a place to call home, food to eat, and perhaps even a gorgeous puppy to greet you when you arrive. Whatever you’re grateful for, reminding yourself of it is a terrific approach to focus on the positive aspects of your life and make regrets seem less significant in the larger scheme of things.

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – Have Faith In The Journey

You can see the greater picture by reminding yourself that even the worst things happen in life are part of a bigger journey. Yes, you are remorseful for this one blunder. But, did that one blunder bring you down a different route with positive results? Everything happens for a reason; trust that you will discover why that error or loss occurred in due time.

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – Control Your Emotions

Emotions are transient in the broad scheme of things (again; are you seeing the bigger picture yet?) Learning to let go of negative emotions when they don’t serve you can help you now and in the future. Stop berating yourself for what happened in the past and instead learn to go forwards with a clear mind.

Accept The Lesson You’ve Just Learned

Situations or behaviours that we regret usually teach us something if we are willing to learn it. Accept that you’ve learned a valuable lesson and move on. Living through a traumatic situation is meaningless unless you continue to live and apply what you’ve learned in your future life.

The Past Has No Bearing On The Future

It’s alluring to live in the land of “what ifs.” In the real world, however, “what ifs” are meaningless. It doesn’t matter if you spend hours or even days speculating on a different conclusion. Those what ifs will never have a direct impact on your future except to rob it. Stop reliving it and get on with your life.

No Regrets

If your life is being devoured alive by regret, start looking for methods to let it go and go on. You deserve a life that makes you happy and fulfilled, not one that keeps you mired in the past and drowning in regret.

The Best Medicine Is Laughter

The phrase “laughing is the best medicine” is surely familiar to you. At this point, it may even sound a little cliched. It is, nevertheless, still correct. If you’re in a bad mood, pushing yourself to smile or chuckle can help you feel better.

Chicken Soup For the Soul - Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – If You’re in Need of a Pick Me Up

If you’re in need of a pick me up, surround yourself with positive individuals. It will be tough for each of you to get out of your depression if you are with others who are also down.

No one can be completely content all of the time. If you’re sad more often than you’re joyful, it’s time to seek treatment. However, laughter may be used as part of your therapy.

Laughing As Part Of A Group

There are clinics that encourage people to laugh as a group. It requires forming a circle and forcing laughing while the rest of the group joins in. Depending on who is in charge of the event, each participant may have a turn laughing, and the group will then join in when the final person has finished the exercise. Outsiders may find the tactics weird, but participants support them.
They feel good following the sessions, and many claim they’ve made some fantastic friends as a result.

Laughter Totally is the Best Medicine

Laughter Can Assist in Stress Reduction

Laughter can also assist to relieve tension. It causes your brain to release endorphins, which make you feel good. It’s even thought to aid in the production of disease fighting antibodies. This could be the origin of the adage “laughing is the best medicine.”

When you first start introducing laughing into your routine, you may feel weird. Even if it seems forced, as you do more of it, you will become accustomed to it and it will no longer feel unusual. You will have the resources you require to alter your mood. After a while, rather than pushing laughter, you’ll find yourself laughing naturally.

Joy And Laughter

It will help you to have a more positive attitude on life. People you associate with will notice you and want to spend more time with you. Give it a shot for at least a month. Take note of the shifts in your emotions. It’s unlikely that you’ll ever go back to the way things were. While no one can promise that laughing can extend your life, it will not harm you in any way. The question is, if you have nothing to lose, why wouldn’t you use it?

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Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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