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Spiritual Self Love Affirmations

how to self love affirmations

What Are Spiritual Self Love Affirmations?

Affirmations are a powerful tool to help you manifest all your desires.  But if they are not done correctly they can be a complete waste of time. Spiritual Self love affirmations are about self love with respect to your higher self.  Finding success with affirmations means you have to believe in them and you have to have confidence that what you are stating will happen.  These five tips will take your success with affirmations to the next level.

Affirmations for Self Love

One – Spiritual Self Love Affirmations

Be very specific. The more detail you can include in your self love affirmations the more real they will become and the more believable they will be. When you can be specific with your affirmations they can provide you with the opportunity to get everything you desire.

Self Love Workbook

Two – Spiritual Self Love Affirmations

Use visualization with your daily self love affirmations.  It is not enough to just read your affirmations out of a book or list and then quickly move onto the next one. You have to read each affirmation and then spend a few minutes imagining or visualizing what it will be like when the affirmation is achieved. Think about what you will see, what you will hear, what smells you will experience, and what feelings you will have.

A Year of Self Love

10,000 Positive Affirmations

Three – Spiritual Self Love Affirmations

Make use of motivational or up beat music which can be a very strong tool to use with your affirmations. Listening to music can help to stir up good feelings. It is these feelings that start the internal vibrations that will ultimately move you closer to your manifestations.

The Self Love Journal

Four – Spiritual Self Love Affirmations

Use Images with your daily self love affirmations. Take the time to put your affirmations over pictures. When you look at images that match with your affirmations it will generate excitement. Excitement will get you vibrating in a positive way that will help you manifest.

The Gift of Self Love

Five – Spiritual Self Love Affirmations

Believe that the affirmations have already been achieved.  This means stating your affirmations in the present tense. For example, instead of saying, “I will accept myself as I am,” say “I accept myself as I am.” With the Law of Attraction if you say “I want to lose weight,” it hears the words “I want” and will leave you in a constant state of wanting. Affirmations can work for you when done correctly.

A Year of Self Care

Limiting Beliefs

Every day we are surrounded by negative messages from around the world. The media, our family, and even well meaning friends can impose limiting beliefs on us.   This greatly diminishes our beliefs that anything is possible. These limiting beliefs are continually repeated to us throughout our childhood and well into adulthood. Ultimately they end up defining us and who we are and what we can accomplish. 

Unfortunately, we end up keeping these negative messages inside of us. They eventually become our truth. These limiting beliefs end up holding us back from our hopes, dreams, and goals and keep us from stepping into our true potential. Our physical reality eventually matches these limiting beliefs because our external world is always a reflection of our inner world. 

Personality Isn't Permanent

Negative Self Talk

When you have negative self talk and when you are going through your life with limiting beliefs, such as “I don’t deserve it. The negativity ends up canceling out any action or effort that you make. To create the change in your life that you desire, you have to let go of the negative thoughts and images that you associate with your life.  You have to fill your mind with new ideas that are positive.  This will support you in creating the change you want. 

Daily self love affirmations work to replace these old limiting beliefs, pessimistic thoughts, and negative self talk with self love statements with who you want to be.

A Year of Self Love

How Affirmations Work 

When you repeat a self love affirmation over and over again, it begins to change the way you think as well as what you believe. Repeating self love affirmations raise your vibration out to the Universe so that you become attracted to what you desire in life.

What you talk and think about the most as well as well as the kind of beliefs you hold onto is what you ultimately attract in your life. Positive thinking attracts positive, while negativity attracts more negativity.

The Unlimited Self

You Must Believe 

If you want to make sure your self love affirmations will work, you have to believe in them. Half hearted or empty affirmations will never work. You need to really believe in the affirmation that you are repeating if you want it to work. If you are repeating to yourself that you are successful but you don’t really feel it, you need to change your affirmation to suit.

How To Start

Try to start with an affirmation that allows you to know that you are capable of manifesting. Once you begin to really believe that it is possible, then you will begin to take the actions to prove to yourself that you are right.

When you first speak your affirmation, it may seem unreal or weird to you. However, by following a daily routine of repeating the affirmations, you can put the power of positive thinking into your subconscious mind. This allows your mind to become more open and receptive to the new information that you are feeding it. Through the days your confidence starts to build, and you will be able to direct your thoughts toward achieving your goal. To make the most of your self love affirmations repeat them for five minutes at least two to three times a day.

When self love affirmations are used daily, they can help you create rapid and positive changes. So start using self love affirmations daily and be amazed at how quickly you can begin to attract the self love, success and abundance that you have always wanted.

Mindset Switch

Examples of Spiritual Self Love Affirmations

I accept myself as I am. 

My soul is beautiful.

I am an imperfect creature, beautiful, flawed, and amazing. 

Every day, I work on accepting myself totally and unconditionally. 

I am not defined by mistakes, I am defined by my courage to learn from them. 

I am grateful to be me.

Everyday I am connected to my spirit.

My past does not define, I let the past go and create my best present and future.

I am open to becoming. 

I like myself just as I am.

My needs and desires are important, they matter.

I believe in myself and I teach others to believe in me when I believe in myself. 

I am not afraid of failure because from each failure come blessings.

My feelings matter, my thoughts matter and I matter.

I will be myself at all times, I will live and convey my truth to others. 

I am a miracle, born to face any hardships with grace, confidence, and strength. 

My feelings are my own, I accept them and deal with them. 

I matter.

I am grounded.

My body is unique, special, and perfect just as it is. 

I accept myself with love, hope and joy. 

I trust myself to make decisions that support me and lead to my best life. 

Examples of Self Esteem Affirmations

Grow more confident and stronger each day.

Am the architect of my life. I design its structure.

Build my life’s foundation and choose its contents.

Love myself and feel great about myself.

Accept myself unconditionally.

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Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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