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Crystals For Manifestation

crystals manifestation

Crystals can be used for manifestation.  I love them and they help me manifest. In this post I have included some of my favourite crystals just in case you want to try to use them to help you.  I hope they will help you manifest your dreams.

How To Use Crystals For Manifestation

To manifest using crystals it is important to hold the crystal in your hands.  If it is a large crystal, just touch it with your hands and leave your hands on it.  Sit down, be quiet and breathe gently. Now clear your mind. Make clear in your mind what you want to manifest. You can say it silently to yourself or speak it out aloud.  Whatever you feel most comfortable with doing. Crystals are a tool to help you become more grounded and balanced. When you manifest from this energy magic happens.  Don’t forget to thank your crystal at the end.  This shows your gratitude and helps you release from the crystal and is as easy as that to set the wheels in motion.

Crystal Wands Five Piece

Manifest Love – Crystals For Manifestation

Rose Quartz is the heart stone perfect for attracting a new partner or to help love yourself a lot more. Without self love you won’t have much success attracting the things you really want in life as you won’t think you deserve them.  Wear it around your neck on a necklace close to your heart.  It will open your heart and bring in the true meaning of love. Put it under your bed to attract a new partner or to revive an existing relationship. It is also a great stone to hold while doing your affirmations. It will remind you of your intentions for manifesting.

Rose Quartz Sterling Silver Necklace

Green Aventurine is also known as the best good luck crystal and is known for bringing joy to long term relationships.  It is also known for helping people open their hearts to new relationships after breakups.  Put these love crystals close to your heart and let them feel your heartbeat.

Green Aventurine Sterling Silver Necklace

Manifest Abundance – Crystals For Manifestation

Citrine is a great stone for manifesting abundance.  This crystal is known as the money stone and one of the most powerful for manifesting prosperity and abundance.  It will shift your mindset to be optimistic, prosperous and abundant.  Citrine encourages us to dream big and go through life with gratitude.  To position yourself with wealth and abundance place it in the main living area of your home or carry it in your wallet or handbag.

Citrine Sphere

Manifest Anything Crystals

Clear Quartz – take the time to hold your quartz crystal every day and set your intentions.  Visualize what you would like to manifest.  Smell your intentions, look at your intentions, touch your intentions.  How do your intentions make you feel?  See your intentions fulfilled.  Carry the crystal with you or leave it in your home in an area that you spend a lot of time.  The crystal will help you move forward and achieve your dreams.  Be ready to receive them.

Clear Quartz

Manifest Wisdom Crystals

The Amethyst crystal will soothe your mind and emotions.  It will enhance your creativity and passion.  It has also been known to increase intelligence and control evil thoughts.  The Amethyst is a stone of spirituality and it will help put your thoughts into action. It can fade if left in the sunlight so be careful. You can clear its energy by holding the crystal under running water while saying the crystal is cleared.  The Amethyst will clear away negativity.  Put it in a place where there is negative energy so that it can be cleared away.  Also Moonstone will help you with your intuition.  In addition, it also promotes creativity.


Obsidian Crystals For Manifestation

This crystal will help to get rid of emotional blockages giving you clarity. It helps with becoming more compassionate and helps with shock and fear.  Also helps with removing negativity that surrounds you.  ​Place obsidian near your bed or under your pillow to get rid of stress as it may help to calm you and will also bring out the cause of the stress.  It helps change limiting beliefs and behaviour and can bring the truth to the surface.  Obsidian helps you heal your soul. It can help you go back into the past and heal bad emotions that are still there in the present day.  Also, Black Tourmaline will repel negative energy.  It will help you keep a positive vibe at home and/or at work.


Tiger’s Eye Crystals For Manifestation

Tiger’s eye combined with Pyrite and Citrine and clear Quartz can manifest great prosperity and luck.  Wear tiger’s eye as a bracelet and as rings. It will gain manifestation speed as you use your hands more.  Hold tiger’s eye while you journal your money intentions and include Green Aventurine to put luck on your side.  Place this crystal in your wallet or a cupboard where you keep your bills.

Tiger's Eye

Pyrite Crystals For Manifestation

Pyrite is used for the manifestation of wealth and abundance.  Keep it in your wallet or living area or bedroom to get the most out of its manifestation power.  Combine Pyrite with Citrine to manifest finances and abundance and luck in getting wealthier.  Pyrite is best worn as a ring.

Pyrite Ring


Have Fun Manifesting!

When working with crystals, remain open to receive. Some of your manifestations will come indirectly to you and remember that things will not manifest instantly.  You will have to have patience.  To keep the manifestation power of crystals, you will need to clear them often. You can rub them between your hands or give them a bath in the moonlight.

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Crystals for manifesting


Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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