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Positive Affirmations

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Using The Law of Attraction and the power of positive affirmations every day will help you to become alert to opportunities so that you achieve your goals in life.

Whether you believe it or not, using positive affirmations is an effective way to counter all the doubts and fears you have about your own capabilities. Words can be underrated, but words alone have the power to entirely make or break a person’s self-esteem. This is the reason why positive affirmations have so much power on their own. It happens to be a really great psychological trick because it can reverse every negative component that forms part of your thoughts.

You use affirmations  to change something in your life,  whether that is eliminating an element of doubt, or increasing a positive emotion that is already there. When you use affirmations, you should picture the version of yourself you aspire to be. By doing this, you’re declaring that this is the person you intend to become. You’re convicting yourself to the power of positive affirmations as the truth, and letting go of any negativity. Positive affirmations have helped many people to become better versions of themselves, and that’s just proof of what a positive impact words can truly make.

How do affirmations work?

With affirmations, we’re basically trying to counter every physical and mental doubt that we have about ourselves. When we practice positive affirmation, we repeat these affirmations over and over again, until we believe them. Upon repeating the affirmations, our brain creates new waves and strengthening them.  In this sense, positive words bolster your brain while negativity weakens the mind. In repeating positive affirmations, our minds start to believe them and then make us manifest what we aspire to be. In the end, the only thing that stops us from going after the life we desire or to becoming the people we want to be, are our doubts, our insecurities, and our fears which all come from the internal depths of our minds.

Different methods on how to use affirmations

There are various known methods that help when it comes to believing in your affirmations. These are: writing them down, saying them aloud, saying them in your head, saying them into a recorder and later listening to then, and having someone repeat your affirmations to you.

Method One

Writing affirmations down is the most common method and one that most people prefer.  The reason for this is that it is convenient and efficient Writing down positive things to empower yourself also makes them more realistic release your affirmations from the boundaries of your mind.

Method Two

Saying affirmations aloud to yourself is also very popular. It is more effective if you say the positive affirmationswhile in front of a mirror.  Looking at yourself when you say the positive affirmations, makes them more believable. Of course, you have to say them with conviction and you have to feel them deeply within your heart. It’s also important to speak carefully and slowly, as slow spoken words are normally more heartfelt. The key to saying affirmations to yourself is talking to yourself the way that you would comfort a friend. Be just as kind, loving and gentle in saying your affirmations as you would be if you were speaking to a dear friend.

Method Three

If you feel awkward saying these affirmations out aloud, say them in your head instead. In this way, you can avoid feeling embarrassed and you can avoid awkward situations. You can use this method whenever and wherever you please. You don’t have to hold back.

Method Four

Recording your affirmations and then listening to them later is another option. You can listen to these recordings as you’re falling asleep to maximize the results.

Method Five

Lastly, you can have your affirmations repeated to you, whether it’s by a friend or someone close to you. For instance, they could say that you are sound in mind, body and spirit.  In saying these things they would change your ‘I’ to ‘You’ since they are repeating your affirmations.

Repeating your positive affirmations

As you repeat every positive statement you’re saying to yourself, you’re letting go of all your baggage and every doubt you holding within yourself. You’re putting all the negativity back where it belongs. When you repeat the affirmations, you’re letting go of the old beliefs which are limiting you.  Repeating positive affirmations helps you to let go of the belief that you are not a winner. Eventually, these limited beliefs will be gone for good as you start to believe in yourself.

Here are some positive affirmations to repeat to get you started

My work makes me feel fulfilled.

I have faith in my capabilities.

I love and accept myself completely.

I am completely capable of making positive changes in my life.

I am peaceful in mind, body and spirit.

I make the best healthy decisions in my life.

I am capable of being successful.

I find all aspects of my life beautiful and enjoyable.

I make the best out of what’s given to me.

My body deserves to be loved and treated with respect.

I create my own reality.

I will receive things in abundance.

I’m wealthy in all aspects of my life.

My body is amazing.

All my choices are directed towards goodness.

I like the entirety of me.

I will not be influenced by the wrong peers.

My potential to succeed is limitless.

Power Thought Cards



By making daily positive affirmations into a routine, you will remind yourself why they are important and it will help you manifest the life you’ve always wanted. Doing this will also open brand-new opportunities for you with your endless capabilities, since they will break all the doubts and insecurities you had about yourself. In saying positive affirmations daily, you will build yourself up and become the best version of yourself.


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Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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