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Law Of Attraction Journal Reasons to Keep One

LOA Journal

Law Of Attraction Journal – These are what I think are important reasons to keep a journal.

A long list of memories, it’s so precious that a journal reminds you of who you were yesterday. Journaling is a vividly drawn picture of your thoughts and words. Journaling is thinking aloud, presenting the conversation in an organized way to map out the way forward in our heads. Journals are a tool for mindfulness.

Journaling helps to communicate with oneself

Having a journal provides an opportunity to channel one’s inner self, to communicate with oneself, and to get a clear picture of one’s inner self. It gives you a chance to learn more about yourself. It is like going on a date with yourself. Wrapping up different aspects of who you are. It is intended to record your thoughts, observations and anything important you want to look at a later date. Day by day we see our perceptions of life, our thoughts and our beliefs evolving and we need to keep this on record as it shows how much we have grown.

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Law Of Attraction Journal

Journaling can help you keep an eye on your decisions

A journal is a tool to keep track of the important decisions you make and remind you why you made them in the first place. It lets you set your goals clearly and systematically. When goals are not written, they lose their significance and remain only in the realm of dreams. To understand your goals, you need to keep track. To make a goal a reality, a plan needs to be put forward and constant journaling allows you to take it step by step to reach your goal. Through journaling, you can ensure accountability and make it possible to re evaluate and re evaluate again the progress of your goals regarding the detailed plan in your journal. Having a written plan for your goals can also help a person re strategize.

Journals help to sort out mental clutter

When you keep a journal, it’s fairly easy to sort through mental clutter and leave with what is really important every day. It also allows you to understand your coping methods. It allows mental clarity and focus by clearing your mind as you write your thoughts. It will give you a better understanding of how things should be.

Progress cannot be seen when there is nothing to compare them to and the journal simplifies that progress. The person you are has been molding for a long time, molded together by your experiences and decisions. A journal is a way to document your experiences, sorrows, mistakes, joys and lessons that have brought you to where you are now. Being able to go back and get a reference to your past experiences when your memory fails is amazing. You can refer to previous lessons to give you an idea of ​​how to handle situations.

Journals can help you organize your life

Journaling enhances your organizational skills. They are designed in such a way that things are written in order.  This in turn will help you plan and design your day, your week, your entire life. Knowing what to do when, in turn, will help you avoid the trap of procrastination. You will create your life in clear vision on paper, which makes it easy to follow.

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Law Of Attraction Necklace

It is beneficial for the brain when you are recording the thoughts flowing in your brain. When you keep a journal you will rarely go through instances where you lose ideas because the very moment an idea crosses your mind,  you write it down before it fades into your mind. The journal expands your mind and keeps you creative and innovative.  Writing down your thoughts gives you time to discover your mind.

Journaling can be a therapy tool

Journaling is therapeutic. It can serve as a way to recover from various traumas. It allows you to be free, open about your feelings, accept those feelings and understand them. It allows you to be sensitive even when you feel uncomfortable during moments of weakness about sharing your thoughts. Allowing yourself to delve deeper into your relationships with your emotions and reactions can, in turn, help you control how you react to those situations. For example, if you feel angry it can help with this feeling by writing down why you are angry and why you feel this way.

Law Of Attraction Journal

Vegan Leather bound journal

Keeping a journal can help you manifest your dream life.  If you write down your dream life in your journal and read it often enough, your mind will focus a lot more on manifesting your dreams.  This is also like scripting your future life.  It will help reprogram your subconscious mind so that you can manifest the life you have been dreaming about.


 Our minds are not computers so we tend to forget a lot, journals improve our memory and keep us self aware. When you feel like you need motivation you can come back to your journal and it will help you to move forward. You will not only improve your mental health, but you will also be able to hone your writing skills. Be intentional about keeping a journal and see yourself growing every day as you reflect on yourself.  So these are some of the reasons I think you should keep a journal and write every day if you can.  Don’t forget the Law Of Attraction Journal to help manifest the life of your dreams!

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LOA Journaling


Tom Hall

What started out as playing with the Law Of Attraction to see if it worked has ended up with a passion to help others have more abundance and prosperity in their lives. Knowledge is power!!

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